Twitter beats Facebook for the first time

twitter y facebook

Twitter celebrates 10 years and their numbers are below those of Facebook at the same age. As we can see in the table below, Twitter has been lagging behind Facebook in terms of assets and income users. The company is still losing money while Facebook earned more than US $500 million per quarter at the same point in its life cycle. However Twitter beats Facebook in an area for the first time in 10 years.

This area represents the hope of Twitter: revenue per user. Twitter has been able to get about US $2.33 per user, while Facebook gets only US $2.11 per user at this point.

If Twitter somehow managed to capture more users and get them to use the service monthly, it could become even greater than Facebook business. However, the growth of Twitter users has stagnated over the last year, so we should wait to see what happens this year to start putting our chips on this social network.

facebook y twitter comparación

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