Online Marketing

Way2net awarded as Top Digital Marketing Agency in Argentina

Way2net awarded as Top Digital Marketing Agency in Argentina

Way2net is a digital marketing agency, specialized in e-strategy planning and business development, digital marketing, online advertising, web optimization, social media, web design, and development. We are a Google Partner Agency certified by Google Inc. and we offer a wide variety of services including digital strategy, social media marketing, and advertising.

Clutch recently announced the top digital marketing agencies in Argentina. We are excited to announce that Way2net has made the list on their directory.

Way2net awarded as Top Digital Marketing Agency in Argentina

Clutch is a B2B market research firm located in Washington DC that connects service providers and buyers through data and verified research. Central to their process is client reviews. In this unique process, analysts have spoken directly with many of our clients and learned more about the services we provided, as well as technological capabilities, results, and business acumen.

Our clients’ participation made this award possible, and we want to thank them for their time and honest feedback. Below is are excerpts from recent reviews, along with project summaries:

“We continue working with them because of their thoughtful service.” –Marketing Coordinator, Synthon Bagó

Our team was hired to develop a pharmaceutical company’s marketing strategies. We work with different social media channels, crafting campaigns. We also worked on their site.

“With Way2net Digital Marketing Agency, we found a mix of business expertise and digital experience.” –Founder, Delbazar

We provided a variety of digital services for an online store. Our team developed an e-commerce website and social media campaigns

Digital marketing has forever changed how companies attract customers and generate revenue. If you’re considering hiring an online marketing company to help you boost your brand image, position your company in search rankings, or manage your social media presence, The Manifest can help find a business to best suit your needs. The Manifest, an affiliate site of Clutch, lists top digital marketing companies in Argentina. Among top companies, the site also lists descriptions, projects, and awards for users to utilize.

Need advice in marketing and communication? We are experts in digital strategy. Contact us by phone or fill out the form on our website and a team member will be in touch shortly. We look forward to hearing from you and your team.

Smart Watches: New opportunities for personalized marketing

Relógios inteligentes

relojes inteligentes

The emergence of mobile and other devices has changed the way we live and what we expect from brands. We intend to constantly receive information and, in order to facilitate the measurements of athletes performance, smart watches and bracelets appeared and carry different sensors: accelerometer, GPS, compass and even the ability to measure heart rate.

More and more people are encouraged to buy these devices to be measured, and this year 17.4 million will be sold, 12% more than last year.

Along with the data collected applications appear to presented in graphical form the results of daily monitoring. These apps serve to improve and draw new objectives, like number of steps, calories burned, mileage and speed.

This tools are increasingly used by brands that are pending in “I want to know” micro-moment, and this become a great opportunity to accompany the user experience. Most important sports brands have their own measurement app: “Runtastic” from Adidas; “RunKeeper” from Asics and “Nike Plus” from Nike.

Brands take advantage of this personalized marketing channel , based on data registered users, and together with a specialized team offer useful messages to accompany these processes. The aim of brands is to provide useful tools to their potential consumers, help improve their performance and turn them into loyal customers.

How should brands make its appearance?

  • The way consumer fractured into thousands of micro moments in real time with purchase intent is an opportunity for brands. The user geolocation is a great advantage for those who want to capture potential customers when they are near a point of sale or local.
  • They should use these platforms to build a closer relationship with consumers, capturing the flow of data they accumulate in this apps. For example: After long walks, our potential customer shoes get ruined . Suggesting my brand sneakers, along with various promotions and benefits could encourage their purchase.
  • Contents may not be invasive. Brands must think about how can they add value by offering useful information and data to consumers. Advertising evolves, becomes less aggressive and sidesteps the “buy now”.

Do you know how to deliver value to your target audiences in order to transform them into loyal customers?

Contact Us!

Secrets of YouTube

secretos de Youtube

secretos de Youtube

Scooter Braun, manager of artists, chosen by “Time” magazine as one of the top 100 influencers in the world, shared some of  YouTube secrets.

Braun owns SB Projects, a company dedicated to find engagement of artists worldwide. It was he who convinced Bieber moving to United States and who led him to fame. Later he did the same with other artists such as Psy, Ariana Grande or Carly Rae Jepsen.

We will share some helpful tips to achieve  digital marketing dream: amass the scope and build a brand.

Generate privacy

For Braun, the key to success of the first videos of Bieber broke a tie one on one with people watching him. For him it is not about “millions of impressions,” but to provide experiences.

Braun recommended the young Bieber to begin each video saying his name and sing live. What he wanted was to make people feel they are in the room with him or that  they are looking at something intimate and private.

Listen to your audience

In the early days of exploding Justin Bieber, Braun saw that the artist was having a ton of traffic on YouTube in the UK. Braun wanted to take the artist there, but the record firm opposed because Bieber wasn’t  on UK radio.

Braun insisted and brought Bieber  to the UK on their own. They came to Universal Records and announced that they would be giving a show on the label. The success was overwhelming and the next day, his songs began to be heard on the radio in the UK. This was one of the first experiences in which online ended nurturing traditional media.

Be creative!scooter-braun-talks-schoolboy-universal-deal

Many people would tell Braun that music industry was dead, however, he found on YouTube a unique opportunity.

Braun knew that things had changed: music could be obtained for free, and it invalidates the need to buy a CD or pay for a concert. A single hit would not fill stadiums, people had to listen to artists and they should like it.

What is the solution to make it profitable? “You need to be more creative”, Braun says. YouTube paid music industry more than 3,000 million dollars in royalties. Braun showed music industry did not die, it just reinvented.

Is your company ready to exploit the benefits of YouTube?

Consult us for our monthly plan of social networks and digital marketing services!

Tutorials: Getting closer to the consumer



How to change a tire, paint a wall, learn to play guitar, fix her hair or prepare the best recipes. The questions are varied but they all serve a critical moment: the “want-to-do” moment. The tutorials are able to talk about the brand and consumers value for helping them to take action.

Instructional searches on YouTube increased 70% year over year and for 2015 looked at over a hundred million hours of its kind in the United States. In Latin America, several brands found the opportunity to be more present to their customers through tutorials that help in those micromoments where they want to learn to do something or solve everyday issues.

Thanks to the growing popularity of this type of content, brands begin to bet in this kind of videos. This way, a brand of soap powder form shows how to remove tomato stains, some food brands promote a series of tutorials with step-by-step recipes based on your product and cosmetics brands have a channel where customers can consult various types tutorials for a good makeup.

The following steps can help brands to capture consumers:

• Identify what consumers want to know and how your brand can solve that problem.
• Answer the question with relevant content.
• Always Reply to specific searches.
• Use descriptive titles to make them easy to find.
• Measure the impact of your content.

Identifying the needs of users, according to their specific searches, responding to questions with relevant content and use descriptive titles brands can win this important micromoment where consumers also define their preferences. The tutorials are here to stay and brands must display the potential that they have to bring them to their consumer.

Is your brand attentive to the “want-to-do” moment?

Contact Us!


Politics must learn from branding

La política debe aprender del branding

Politics must learn from brandingThe functional purpose of branding is to identify a differential promise about the values of a brand, and communicate it to consumers in a coherent and consistently way. Political parties have failed to transmit that brand promise, resulting in the total loss of public confidence. This is why politics must learn from branding.

Like any brand that has reached its final cycle of life, political parties need a regeneration if they want to survive. These parties are articulated today as a group of members who share the strictest sense of belonging and the denial of anyone who does not share the same opinion. A totally opposite approach to having citizens at the center of their strategies.

But building a political brand is something that takes time and a careful strategy. Unlike other brands that seek the continued confidence of the public, political brands seem to be focused only on getting confidence every four years, when polls become the best indicator of sales and trust.

In the absence of a clear promise, supporting only their messages by generalist ideologies, political parties are engaged in the speeches of fear and in the discrediting of the contrary. But what would happen in the outside world if Pepsi simply told us how bad the ingredients of Coca-Cola are for our organism? It is clear that negative messages do not get adepts to your lines.

Politicians should learn that they should not only communicate to the voters, but especially to those who do not vote, just like any brand that tries to enter the home of new consumers. Even if we move from parties to politicians or brands to branded products, it is necessary to build an emotional connection between the product and the customer. And that is something that does not conform only during a political campaign.

Fortunately, the population is not stupid and picks out those brands with which it feels identified, who have been concerned to build a positive dialogue. Completely neglected by our political brands. It is time for political parties to take good note of what good management of their brand means and what it can do for them.

How to make a good political digital marketing campaign?

¿Qué tiene una buena campaña de marketing político digital?

campaña de marketing digital para políticaEl mundo online cada vez está más presente en nuestras vidas y la política no iba a ser menos.

Conocimos una nueva forma de gestionar una campaña de marketing digital para política en 2008 con la elección de Obama. Emplearon redes sociales, acciones con líderes de opinión, bloggers, campañas de emailing, encuestas online, campaña de medios online, y todo ello envuelto en una estrategia de marketing digital bien planeada, eficiente y alineada con la estrategia offline.

En las campañas de Marketing Digital para Política distinguimos dos focos básicos: la presencia propia del partido y del candidato, y lo que se genera en torno de éstos fuera de su control en la red.

¿Qué tiene una buena campaña de Marketing Digital para Política?

Lo primero que el candidato y su partido tiene que tener es una presencia en Internet que sea: interactiva, planificada, atractiva y con contenido de calidad. Todo esto se debe llevar a cabo pensando en los variados tipos de votantes, perfiles y distintas zonas geográficas que nos darán como resultado plataformas, mensajes y slogans múltiples para cada uno de ellos.

En este punto vamos desde un blog del partido, blog del candidato, página oficial y grupos y perfiles en rede sociales como Facebook, Twitter, un canal en YouTube, Vimeo o DailyMotion, una página en Google+, cercanía personal mediante Mobile marketing con WhatsApp, WeChat, Line, Instagram, además de nuestras imágenes en Flikr y tableros en Pinterest.

El segundo punto importante es la tecnología de seguimiento. Es imprescindible “escuchar el ruido online” relacionado con el candidato, el partido, el slogan de campaña y los mensajes de campaña, lo que se denomina comunmente como monitoreo de reputación online.

Lo primero es analizar el contenido generado en Internet para:

  • Identificar las diferentes temáticas de las que se está hablando en Internet.
  • Valorar los sentimientos positivos, neutros o negativos de los contenidos.
  • Clasificar las fuentes donde se publica ese contenido.
  • Cómo estos contenidos influyen en la masa y en los influenciadores.
  • Todo esto se trabajará también con todos nuestros competidores.

Una vez que dispongamos de esta gran cantidad de información clasificada, lo que obtendremos como resultado es: ¿Qué se dice? ¿Quiénes lo dicen? ¿Cuándo se dice? ¿Cómo se dice? ¿Dónde se dice?, y todos estos datos por idioma y zonas geográficas.

Toda esta información nos da pie a:

  • Evaluar la efectividad de las campañas.
  • Identificar los mensajes de mayor impacto y rentabilidad.
  • Manejar 24 horas los tiempos de campaña.
  • Conocer como se perciben los candidatos y partidos en la mente de los votantes.
  • Analizar los sitios de Internet y temáticas en los que nuestra campaña genera más valor.

Por último se debe añadir el efecto de la Geolocalización. Con la tecnología adecuada podemos obtener datos de incalculable valor político; por ejemplo, la cantidad de ruido online en tiempo real, las temáticas de conversación en tiempo real, lo que se está diciendo en tiempo real e identificar a los usuarios.

Advertising on mobile devices will exceed traditional advertising by 2016

La publicidad en dispositivos móviles superará a la de prensa escrita en 2016

La publicidad en dispositivos móviles superará a la de prensa escrita en 2016La publicidad en internet móvil superará a la de prensa escrita el próximo año, y representará el 12.4% del total inversión, frente al 11.9%, que representará la publicidad en periódicos a día de hoy, según nuestras últimas Previsiones de Inversión Publicitaria.

Internet móvil será el tercer mayor medio publicitario, sólo por detrás de la televisión e internet para ordenadores de mesa. La publicidad móvil además, crecerá un 38% en 2016 hasta los 71.000 millones de dólares, mientras la publicidad en prensa se contraerá un 4% y representará 68.000 millones de dólares.

La publicidad móvil continúa siendo el motor de crecimiento del mercado publicitario en general y supone el 83% de todo el crecimiento en la inversión publicitaria entre 2014 y 2017.

La publicidad en Internet superará a la de televisión en 2018 mientras en los medios impresos no deja de menguar.

La publicidad en internet para PC’s sigue creciendo aunque perderá peso por primera vez este año; de representar el 19,8% del total inversión publicitaria en 2014 pasará al 19,4%. Para 2017 ZenithOptimedia estima que esta publicidad, pensada para ordenadores de mesa, supondrá el 19,1% del total. Mientras tanto la inversión en dispositivos móviles crecerá, y pasará de representar el 5,7% en 2014 al 15% en 2017.

En general la publicidad en internet representará el 34% del total inversión en 2017 sólo ligeramente por detrás de la televisión 35,9%. La brecha entre ambos medios se irá estrechando desde un 13,3% en 2014 al 1,9% en 2017. A este ritmo, en 2018 la publicidad en internet superará a la de la televisión.

La inversión en prensa escrita continúa su descenso en todo el mundo, como ha venido haciendo desde 2008. Según nuestras previsiones esta disminución seguirás un ritmo del 4,9% anual hasta 2017, mientras las revistas lo harán a un ritmo ligeramente más lento, 3,2% anual. La combinación de prensa y revistas ha descendido desde un 39,4% en 2007 al 19,6% este año y prevemos que decrezca aún más, hasta el 16,7% en 2017.

Inversión mundial crecerá el 4.0% en 2015

ZenithOptimedia estima que la inversión publicitaria mundial crecerá un 4,0% este año y alcanzará los 554.000 millones de dólares. Además acelerará el ritmo hasta un 5,0% en 2016, impulsado por los Juegos Olímpicos de Río de Janeiro y las elecciones presidenciales de EEUU. Después, sin la existencia de estos grandes eventos, el ritmo frenará un poco y la inversión crecerá un 4,4% en 2017.

Serán los mercados maduros quienes liderarán el crecimiento de la inversión por primera vez en 9 años.

Hemos reducido las previsiones de crecimiento de la inversión publicitaria para este año un 0,2% desde junio. Ha habido una desaceleración generalizada en todo el mundo, y observamos cómo los profesionales del marketing han pulido sus expectativas de crecimiento económico mundial. Con Brasil y Rusia en recesión, y China reduciendo el paso, el mundo no puede seguir confiando en los mercados emergentes para fijar el ritmo. Esperamos por tanto que los llamados ‘Mercados Maduros’ [Norteamérica, Europa Occidental y Japón] contribuirán más al crecimiento de las inversiones este año que los conocidos como ‘Mercados Emergentes’ [resto de países] por primera vez desde 2006. Creemos, eso sí, que es algo temporal. Los Mercados Emergentes serán de nuevo en 2016 quienes lideren el crecimiento del mercado publicitario. Su participación en este mercado pasará de representar el 37,4% en 2015 al 38,8% en 2017.

China desacelera pero todavía crece el doble de rápido que el resto del mundo en su conjunto.

El mercado publicitario chino no parece haberse visto afectado por el caos de su mercado bursátil. Sin embargo la desaceleración económica y las dudas sobre su potencial de crecimiento futuro han hecho que los anunciantes hayan moderado ligeramente sus inversiones. Creemos que el crecimiento de la inversión publicitaria en China se reducirá de un 10,5% en 2014 al 7,8% en 2015 – una tasa que aún dobla la del resto de los países, y que coloca a China en un puesto decimotercero [de los 81 mercados analizados] en el ranking de mercados publicitarios de más rápido crecimiento.

Los bajos precios de petróleo pesan a los grandes productores

Mientras esta situación favorece a la economía global – y al mercado publicitario – en su conjunto, estos bajos precios afectan negativamente a los grandes productores. Prevemos bajadas de dos dígitos en la inversión publicitaria este año en Azerbaiyán, Nigeria y los Emiratos Árabes, así como reducciones del 7%-8% en Kuwait y Arabia Saudí. En Rusia el problema de la bajada de precios de petróleo se ha visto acrecentado por las sanciones internacionales, lo que lleva a predecir una reducción de la inversión publicitaria este año del 14,1%.

“La tecnología móvil está transformando muy rápidamente la forma en la que los consumidores viven sus vidas en todo el mundo, y afecta los modelos de negocio de todas las categorías” ha declarado Steve King, CEO Mundial ZenithOptimedia, quien añade. “Estamos siendo testigos el mayor trasvase de los presupuestos publicitarios de la historia del marketing y las agencias luchan para seguir el paso de los consumidores, quienes han dado la bienvenida con los brazos abiertos a este nuevo estilo de vida móvil.”


Common mistakes in a content marketing strategy

Mistakes in a Marketing Strategy of Contents

errores en estrategia de marketing de contenidos

Marketing of contents have become a very important strategic tool for business in the last few years. It is efficient and it accomplishes to seduce consumers making them loyal to the brand. Moreover it awakes positive expectations, but not every company that is using marketing of contents reaches success as they expected.

Contents aren´t magic, they are not able to charm the consumer and seduce it instantly. It is a process that needs to be elaborated correctly as well as planned so as to obtain the expected results in the right time. It requires hard work and effort. To begin with, for contents to be effective the first thing to do is set the correct objective followed by a strategy. But the most important thing is to beware of not making typical mistakes.


Some of the basic mistakes in a marketing strategy of contents are the following:

1- Target is wrong defined.

It is extremely important to detect correctly the target of your business and especially the target of what are you about to communicate. Furthermore, you must be precautious defining it because each one has their preferences, environment, friends, favoritism, etc. These elements are the key to success, if you notice them by the time you define your target you will reach the correct one for sure.

2- Wrong use of communicational channels.

As said before, first of all you must detect your target and analyze it. After that segmentation you will be able to know witch communicational channels use to reach the leading objective. In other words: see where the target is, its main values, desires and preferences. It is essential to know how to manipulate those channels inasmuch as each one has its particular way of reaching consumers.

3- Contents do not have clear objectives.

The content is what helps the company to stay close to the consumer. Every content strategy must have a well-planned objective, if not it will fail. This should be related to the target so as to the channel selected. Precision and clarity are extremely important at the time of setting what they want to communicate in order to strengthen the relationship between the transmitter and the receiver, making it more dynamic and effective.

These contents need to have coherence and cohesion above all the communicational strategy. Setting a route, or a waybill, it’s an easy way to follow a line and avoid mistakes that will confuse the target. Being loyal to it will help to achieve better results.

4- Being repetitive.

Contents need to be innovative; it requires being in constant alert of new opportunities and not staying with the obvious things. Variety within the parameters of the strategy will help to accomplish this.

5- Using spam.

Sending promotions in a constant way as a unique form of communication it is not useful as a main strategy. On the other hand, searching for the company’s differential and the added value that the product or service offers it’s a great starting point. You must think as a mass media that is the key to attract your target: with well develop and highly narrated announcements.

How does a brand succeeds on Twitter


marca triunfe en twitter

Twitter has become one of the favorite tools to companies business by the way it reaches consumers. It´s quick, direct and it works in a perfect way that helps to establish long lasting real time relations by keeping the brand as a part of the daily news. Companies start to be a part of the conversation and the communications turns more personal with the consumers.

But Twitter, as every communicational tool, requires some basic elements at the time users create a digital strategy to reach success when relating with consumers. In other words: everything that can occur on Twitter matters, and not everything brands do is acceptable. Hubspot and SocialBro made a guide of what does and what does not make a brand succeed on Twitter.

Twitter as a perfect tool to build a brand

Social media has become an essential element to build a powerful brand. Twitter is vital for it but it needs to have a good role play. It is important to follow Twitter´s basic rules. According to Hubspot´s information, to acquire engagement within the relationship with consumers first of all it is needed to establish an equal bond with followers. In other words, the audience should be seen as a friend rather than the massive group of people it actually is. By having this on mind the communication turns more personal to each consumer; as an audience you prefer to feel there is a relationship with the brand you follow instead of reading institutional messages that were obviously thought for the mass. Of course, this also helps to embrace the personality of the company by reflecting it in every message they send, and as they publish messages that connect with the audience.

Twitter as a lead generator.

This social media tool does not only works to create powerful bonds within consumers and brands, it´s also useful to conclude several things brands are looking forward to concrete in short term conditions; such as generating leads. To achieve this, tweets must be short and concise: the reader should clearly notice what you are offering. Moreover it must be presented in an attractive way. The best technique to achieve this is by including only one link, by not using hash tags and by not mentioning other users.

Twitter has its own label

It is extremely important not to forget that Twitter has its own label which provides a specific format that needs to be strictly followed. Direct messages are useful when a personal communication is required if not it is considered spam communication. On behalf, something that must be kept on mind is to take care and keep followers. You ought to convince them that your account is worth to follow.  Most of companies twitter accounts loose a 15% of new followers after the 3rd week they get to know the brand because, the information that was posted wasn´t relevant.

How content is published helps to achieve better results.

Images are much more attractive than texts. Tweets that include images achieve a 34% of re-tweets rather than the ones which not. Furthermore, not every image will work, it needs a previous analysis and selection of what image it will be posted, why and when. First of all, as it is recommended on Hubspot´s guide: make sure you have the right to publish that image, check quality and definition, and be aware that there is a relation with the content.

Images are not the only way to create an attractive post. Playing with URLs it is also a good strategy to have on mind. According to SocialBro´s data base, corporate messages on Twitter that include an URL in the middle achieve in a 26% a superior number of re-tweets, than the ones that includes it at the beginning or at the end.

And, of course, hash tags are definitely an element that helps to motivate the company´s presence in conversations. Terms of use are based on common sense, although brands don´t always have this on mind. Hash tags must be used on appropriate situations. If a hash tag wants to be used to start a conversation it must be creative and clearly linked to the brand, so as to followers link it on their minds. And the most important part is not to use hash tags that have been used by others, especially by the competence.

To conclude, a tweet with numerous hash tags does not reach the objective. The ones with only one hash tag obtain a 69% more of probabilities to be re-tweeted.


Google approaches to measuring TV ads

Google se acerca a la medición de anuncios en televisión

Google approaches to measuring TV adsGoogle has excelled as an innovator since the advent of online advertising by measuring its results. Unlike traditional advertising, we can know through its results, if our advertising or content was effective or not and what to do in order to change it. It also allows us to access the key trends within each category to reach the user in a more effective way.

But today the company decided to go further. Google approaches to measuring TV ads, incorporating the online system to traditional advertising. A pilot project is being tested using Google Fiber in United States. This will provide the information about how many times the user has seen the ad and in what context. In addition, you can target audiences according to their interests or their geographic location. The number of ad impressions will also be measurable, ie, the brand may decide how often a specific address receives their message.

For more information about Google Fiber:

Building an Effective Sales Funnel

sales funnel

effective sales funnelAn effective Sales funnel is the key to increase the performance of our website, whether it’s an e-commerce or not. There are several factors to consider when Building an Effective Sales Funnel. It has to be designed in a certain way to make it work. Over time, we’ll have to go by measuring, adjusting and optimizing to improve its performance.

A series of steps must be taken into account when designing the effective sales funnel. First of all, we want to make the user visit our website. To do so, the brand or product needs to be noted, made public and thus drive traffic to the site. At this stage, we must consider which is the best way to achieve it. We can use the Google Adwords tool, which allows us to find out what words our potential buyers use to search our product or service. These are the “keywords” that we must consider and that provide websites a good positioning in search engines and other sites. Some of the techniques used in marketing online to attract traffic are: SEO, online advertising campaigns (sponsored links, display campaigns, banners and affiliate sites), Email marketing campaigns, content marketing using blogs and social media among other things.

Our second step is to make these visitors into subscribers, buyers or to any action we are looking to achieve through the site. We must ensure that users who enter our website perform this “conversion”. i.e. getting subscribers to our newsletter database or completing a contact form or directly buying our product or service.

Through these actions we can create a relationship with the user, measuring which are the incentives that are receiving greater response and taking into account what information you can provide the user in order to perform a conversion. Some elements to consider at this stage are: the design of the website (a clear and relevant website will be more attractive), navigation: we must ensure that our site is easy to navigate and loading times are short enough so that users do not leave the page before it is fully loaded) Something that is frequently used is the “Wish List”, i.e. lists where the user selects the products they want to buy and are registered until the next time they access the page. Using specific landing pages for certain promotional activities with relevant information and calls to action, are very helpful and are key in the conversion process.

To continue, we must persuade the user. Once we create a bond with him, we should aim to increase these conversions and generate one or more purchases. We must ask ourselves what we should do in order to make the purchase happen. An effective way to get these answers is surveying our customers or page visitors. You can offer a chat as a support to answer any queries immediately. Moreover, you can use digital newsletters or entries on social networks. In addition, through re-marketing campaigns you can reach those who ever entered your page and launch some specific promotional campaign to get them.

The next step will be to close the deal. Surprising the user is one of the ways of achieving the purchase. There are varied ways we can do this, such as offering some benefit and product promotions. Another way may be customizing the product, making it more personal and involving the user.

Ultimately, we aim to transform our customers into fans of our products and brand. Get them to evangelize about our brand is our biggest challenge. Word of mouth is one of the oldest and most efficient tactics in the world. Therefore, if we make our customers speak about our products or services in social networks or with their friends, our brand will grow faster. This will contribute to more visits to our website and to improve conversions.

How To Develop a Content Marketing Strategy

how to develop a content marketing strategy

estrategia de content marketing

The development of new technologies has changed the way companies interact with their audiences. Today content marketing is growing abysmally and allows user interaction that did not exist before. More and more companies are turning to this type of advertising due to its effectiveness.

Developing a Content Marketing strategy is not something to be taken lightly, it must be pre-defined in a strategical way. It should capture the attention of consumers, generating impact with the content created and not using exclusive advertising messages which can bore the user.

There are certain factors to consider in order to successfully develop a content marketing strategy:

– Generate impressive and entertaining contentº: While some products are already attractive in itself, i.e. an amusement park, it is important to be clear about what you want to tell and how to do it. In addition, you must adapt your message to the public that your brand is headed.

– Investigate what the consumer wants to read: Everybody has an expectation about the contents that a brand will provide. Therefore, it is important to define which is the content that our audience is interested in, and what is expected from us. The key according to Inc team, is to step into the consumer’s shoes.

– Avoid constant product information: Consumers look forward to find additional value in a content a brand offers. Therefore, we must go beyond constant offerings and specifications about the product. Otherwise, the audience will get bored.

– Add an emotional value: Storytelling will make the consumer feel closer to the brand. You should not stay in the cold data of your company. The ideal is to connect with the user in a more emotional way.

– Constant updates and postings: The messages sent must have some continuity and consistency as to the publication time. If a company doesn’t communicate anything in six months through its social networks, public will believe that it no longer works or it’s abandoned.

– Set clear objectives: To develop a content marketing strategy, we must be sure about what our objectives are. i.e. how many followers we want to achieve or who we want to reach with our content.

To be successful on How to Develop a Content Marketing Strategy, you must consider all these factors. Therefore, you will be able to create a community with followers who participate and engage with your content. The more interesting and relevant the content we generate is, the greater the affinity of the public with our brand.

Improving Engagement on YouTube

improve engagement on youtube

engagement on youtube

It often happens that certain advertising campaigns are highly visualized on the internet without having a positive effect on their viralization and ROI, meaning a poor engagement on YouTube. This is because not only we have to get the user to watch the video, but should get him to generate a conversion, i.e. a purchase or a specific response expected by the company or any desired interaction (Like or sharing). This is what we mean by improving engagement on YouTube.

One of the most appropriate channels to communicate and improve our customers engagement is Youtube, which is the second largest searching platform after Google. We want to make the user respond to our specific objective “call to action”, besides watching our video.

According to the info graphic made by the QuickSprout Research Team, there are certain technical aspects to consider in addition to the content we generate when we think of a video. We can establish some tips to improve engagement on youtube such as:

Complete Metadata: Describe in detail your video titles according to its content and use strategic tags through which the video will be well-positioned in future searches.
Choose an attractive image as thumbnail: This usually increases engagement by 154%. It is a way to attract more users to our brand.
Be consistent: Your video uploading should be constant in both the content and the time between each publication.
Be strategic: We must be aware of trends or special dates for our video to be in sync with the time that is posted. (For example, Valentine’s Day)
Duration: Increasing engagement is generally easier with short videos. But there are exceptions.
Create a relationship with your followers: It is important to answer questions and generate an interaction with your audience.
Getting our followers to engage with the content we post every day is a difficult task. For this to happen, we must use a platform that allows us to interact with our customers, and YouTube allows us to do it dynamically. If we are strategic when uploading videos, the chances of their viralization will be greater.


Branding in the digital era

branding in the digital era

branding en la era digitalThe English terms that suit our daily conversations are increasing, especially in the marketing area- and their true meaning is not clear for everybody. This is the case of ” Branding ” . Phrases like “The importance of branding in your company … ” are heard.

However, there is a simple way to define it. It means the development of a brand, from its name, logo, corporate colors and all items that are part of its visual and sensory identity. All these elements will make your public identify your company. 

It is important to note that the image of your company must be unified and clear. This means your brand should convey a sense of unity and the message must be clear. This may be achieved by creating a coherent and consistent visual identity according to the objective of your business. Furthermore, caring individual communication channels and elements that make up the brand, from business cards and brochures to their website.

For example, given the case of a company that defines itself as innovative and dynamic, would be inconsistent if its service didn’t adapt to the digital age and stay only with the traditional methods of communication.  

Today, with the development of technology and the increasingly strong presence of consumers on social networks, we can not neglect our brand online. Developing brand communication in digital media is almost indispensable, more and more companies are investing in online strategies.

Branding in the digital era is approached in a different way. We have at our disposal a range of new elements that help reinforce our brand building, such as applications, websites, social networks and SEO. It should be noted that the same brand strength achieved online is needed in offline media as well.

Without a digital communication strategy, it will be difficult to maintain a consistent line between what the company conveys offline and what may happen on the internet.


Real Time Marketing

marketing en tiempo real

marketing en tiempo realThe digital marketing, faithful exponent of real time marketing or marketing in real time, can immediately know the response of consumers and users for various promotional and communication campaigns.
Esta ventaja, además de permitir maximizar y controlar el impacto de nuestras acciones, nos permite responder y actuar en tiempo real justo cuando el cliente o consumidor lo necesitan o requiere de nuestra atención, mejorando asi notablemente la tasa de conversión (+25%).

Sin embargo, estas ventajas son hoy aprovechadas por muy pocas empresas, y la interacción y tiempos de respuesta en este sentido están muy alejados de las expectativas que tienen hoy los clientes.

Para los clientes o usuarios de internet, el medio online es sinónimo de inmediatez. Como muestra la infografía de Monetate, la mayoría de los clientes (+80%) espera una respuesta por parte de la empresa en el plazo máximo de 2 minutos, practicamente en tiempo real. Solo un 20%, está dispuesto a esperar un plazo de 24 horas para recibir una respuesta y considerarlo razonable.


¿Conocen muchas empresas que puedan cumplir con estas expectativas? La respuesta obvia es que no

Las principales dificultades que enfrentan las empresas para responder en tiempo real, según esta infografía serían:
–    41% de las empresas tiene problemas en la unificación de sus bases de datos de los clientes
–    37% alude problemas de falta de cultura organizacional al respecto
–    35% tiene barreras tecnológicas en la implementación de sus estrategia de marketing
–    31% a falta de conocimiento y capacitación
–    24% a falta de presupuesto

¿Cuál es el premio para las empresas que logran responder en tiempo real?
–    84% mejorar la experiencia de los clientes
–    72% mejorar la tasa de conversión
–    47% mejora la relación entre empresa y cliente

Estar presente en tiempo real, cuando el cliente nos necesita, tiene un premio muy importante y al mismo tiempo es un desafío muy grande para la mayoría de las empresas.

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